Road rain gardens, Lindevang, Brøndby

In the road area in Lindevang, rainwater from the sewer is diverted by allowing the rainwater to run over the surface of the road to 6 road rain gardens, where it is treated and infiltrated. These rain gardens are designed as traffic calming measures (kerb extensions) which reduce the speed of the traffic to a recommended 30 km/h and at the same time bring a touch of green to the urban landscape. This road project is integrated with the adjacent private rain gardens, which in some places feed overflow during extreme rainshowers to the road in a cohesive rainwater solution.

For rainwater from the roads to be infiltrated, the water first has to be treated. In Lindevang, this is carried out by the plants and the soil mixture working together, which encapsulate and convert the potential contaminants in the road runoff. The structure of the gardens includes soakaway units and concrete kerbstones in addition to the plants which treat the water and the filtering humus. The rainwater infiltrates slowly from the soakaway to groundwater. When all 6 road rain gardens are fill, the water can then flow on to the sewer, where the pressure has now been relieved. These gardens are planted with grasses, small bushes and herbaceous perennials which can stand in water for relatively short periods and also withstand long dry periods. Lindevang residents have played an active part in choosens plants for the road raingardens and the rainwater solutions in their private gardens.

Key figures:

Road rain beds 

x 6


2 * 8 metres

Diversion type  

Partial diversion with overflow to sewer


3-year rain event with climate factor 1.56

Diverted area

2,000 m2 of road area

Storage volume

112 m3

Traffic speed limit

30 km/h recommended

This project is a development project involving:

  • Brøndby Kloakforsyning A/S
  • Spildevandscenter Avedøre I/S
  • Brøndby Municipality
  • Materialegården in Brøndby
  • Citizens of Lindevang
  • Urban Water Balance
  • Orbicon
  • Per Aarsleff
  • Wavin
  • Skælskør Anlægsgartnere
  • IBF
  • Etc.

Find out more about the project here:

Vejbede, Lindevang, Brøndby, foto 1

Vejbede, Lindevang, Brøndby, foto 2

Vejbede, Lindevang, Brøndby, foto 3

Vejbede, Lindevang, Brøndby, foto 4

Vejbede, Lindevang, Brøndby, foto 5

Vejbede, Lindevang, Brøndby, foto 6

Vejbede, Lindevang, Brøndby, foto 7

Vejbede, Lindevang, Brøndby, foto 8

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