WSUD in a new area in Dahlsvej-neighbourhood Odense

The area is 18.3 ha and will have 200 houses. The inhabitants have to handle 50% of the rainwater on their own property. The rest is handled by the Watercompany in wadies, raingardens, soakaways and basins. The WSUDS plants are dimensioned to handle 75 % of the paved area (only 50% is required in the Local Plan). All the rainwater cannot be handled locally, so there is an overflow to Odense Å (river). The area is places in a protection area for drinking water (groundwater) so run-off from roads has to be cleaned in filter top soil.

VandCenter Syd and Orbicon has done a lot to collect information an experience from this project. Investigations to find the infiltration capacity have been made, but was not thorough enough. Furthermore the construction of the houses took place at the same time as the WSUSD and the use of big machines compressed the soil, so the infiltration capacity became very poor.

Read more about the experiences here (in Danish).

Se the Local Plan here (in Danish).

LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 1  LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 2

LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 3  LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 4

LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 5  LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 6

LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 7  LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 8

LAR i Dahlsvej-kvarteret Odense, foto 9

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