Green walls

Traditional facade planting with Hedera and Rådhusvin has been widely used for many years, but green facades have with the recent focus on sustainability and CO2 neutrality in the construction gained a renaissance.
The cities often lack green spaces, where the space is narrow. With BGreen-it green walls, you can take advantage of the already existing space found in the urban environments. Green walls create life and also have noise-absorbing properties and are a beautiful and practical solution that is a step towards a healthier, greener and more inspiring city environment.
BGreen-it Living Wall has a unique revolutionary irrigation system, where water distribution works only through gravity. When the water reservoir in the top plant modules is filled up, the water distributes from row to row until it reaches the bottom. It is possible to connect the roof runoff  directly to the top row, thus optimizing the rainwater. There is space for 45 liters of water per day. m2, which means that the green wall can withstand water supply for at least 14 days.
The plants and substrates will thus always be exactly as wet as if they grew in terrain, thus following their natural cycle. This does not cause frost,at the roots, and the plants perform well through the winter

  1. Aarhus, Aarhus Katedral skole, Mejlgade 8, 8000 Aarhus C
  2. Aarhus, Mejlgade, Lab, Mejlgade 53, 8000 Aarhus C
  3. Aarhus, Rådmand Liisbergsgade, 8000 Aarhus C
  4. Svendborg, Tolbodgade DSB, 5700 Svendborg C
  5. Ruds Vedby, Rudsgade 13, 4291 Ruds Vedby (Privat)
  6. København, Nyelandsvej 10, 4 sal, 2000 Frederiksberg (Privat)
  7. Gladsaxe, Nøddehegnet, Tobaksvejen 23, 2860 Gladsaxe  
  8. Odense, Byggros A/S, Egegårdsvej 5, 5260 Odense.

Read more here:

Nøddehegnet, Gladsaxe 1   Nøddehegnet, Gladsaxe 2
Nøddehegnet, Gladsaxe

Rådmand Liisbergsgade, Århus
Rådmand Liisbergsgade, Aarhus

Århus Katedralskole   Århus Katedralskole 1
Aarhus Katedralskole

Svendborg   Svendborg 1

Mejlgade, Aarhus 1  Mejlgade, Aarhus
Mejlgade, Aarhus

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