Infiltration of rainwater in the Tusindfryd settlement, Silkeborg

Rai Rainwater is collected in the middle of the two clusters of the settlement in closed gutters that are led through raingardens. In the raingardens, the gutters become permeable and are equipped with soak away underneath. At each end of the gutters, there are also raingardens formed as a 50 cm recesses in grass, to which there are overflows. The raingardens in between the houses are planted with grasses and perennials as well as trees. To further retain water in the green areas, fruit trees and shrubs have been planted in several places on the site.

The settlement is located in the district of Gødvad Enge, which was planned as a "district in water balance", where the entire district has decoupled rainwater from the sewagesystem. The challenge is that the seepage conditions are not the best. Therefore, the rainwater could not be handled in raingardens alone.

The project was completed for Birch & Co ApS and was completed at the end of 2018. Internal case no:16.221.

Establishment costs are not known, as it was carried out as a part of a construction project. There are detailed instructions for operation and maintenance for the plant. Here in the first season there is a little water at the bottom of the two raingardens at each end of the plant after a day with heavy rain

A countour-plan, plantlist, report in infiltration tests, sizing calkulations as well as photos from the finished plant can be seen. See also the webside

DownloadSiteplan.pdf (859 KB)

DownloadPlant list (488 KB)

DownloadInfiltration test (836 KB)

DownloadDimensioning soak-away (85 KB)

DownloadDimensioning raingarden (85 KB)

Silkeborg_foto 1.JPG  Silkeborg_foto 2.JPG

Silkeborg_foto 3.JPG




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