Infiltration and drainage of rainwater on Tåsinge Square, Copenhagen

Climate adaptation of Taasinge Square shall control and withhold as much of the rainwater that falls around the square as possible. To the west, the landscape is raised above the ground to make way for the existing shelters and create a steep slope where visitors can pull out and enjoy a coffee or play. From here, the landscape is sloping towards a recessed area to the east, where rainwater is accumulated and infiltrated. By diverting and infiltration of the rainwater from roofs and market locally, the water is kept away from the sewer, ensuring in this way that the capacity of the sewer system is enough to handle future cloudburst.The Infiltration basin has a volume that has the capacity of delay and infiltrate rainwater from 6000 m2 paved area around Taasinge Square. By cloudburst there is an overflow to Taasingegade. This road is in the future going to be developed to a “cloudburst road”

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Tåsinge plads plan A

Tåsinge plads foto 1

Tåsinge plads foto 2

Tåsinge plads foto 3

Tåsinge plads foto 4

Tåsinge plads foto 5

Tåsinge plads foto 6

Tåsinge plads foto 7

Tåsinge plads foto 8

Tåsinge plads foto 9

Tåsinge plads foto 10

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