
Dimensioning and installation
Pipe Centre specifications 016 - Specifications for managing rainwater on private property provides a new common set of guidelines for dimensioning and of rainwater infiltration systems on private property. Read the specifications here (in Danish): Pipe Centre specifications 016. Specification for rainwater management on private property, May 2012

The specifications include two appendices describing how to conduct an infiltration test and how to plant rain gardens, respectively. Read about the infiltration test here (in Danish): Pipe Centre specifications 016. Appendix 1, Simple infiltration test in private gardens Read about planting rain gardens here (in Danish): Pipe Centre specifications 016. Appendix 2, Planting rain gardens

The specifications include a folder aimed at users/residents. See the folder here (in Danish): Folder

WSUD catalogues
Several local authorities have produced catalogues of WSUD solutions for the use of local residents and other authorities.

See the City of Copenhagen’s WSUD catalogue here (in Danish).

Avedøre Wastewater Services
Avedøre Wastewater Services has allowed other local authorities/utility companies to freely adapt the recommendations of this WSUD methodology guide for 2010 for their own use. See the guide here (in Danish).

See Furesø local authority’s guidelines here (in Danish).

A trade organisation, The green sewercontracters, has published a pamphlet about WSUD. See it here (in Danish).

The City of Aarhus has produced a catalogue of WSUD methods describing typical rainwater management techniques. The catalogue, intended as a source of inspiration for WSUD workers, distinguishes between WSUD solutions that fully or partly retain rainwater on properties and rainwater attenuation and treatment solutions. The examples in the WSUD catalogue have been calculated using the local Viby rainfall series for The City of Aarhus and locally adopted dimensioning criteria.

See Aarhus local authority’s catalogue of WSUD methods here (in Danish).

The City of Aarhus has also produced a WSUD developers’ guide intended to inspire developers, architects, consultants and contractors. Developers or consultants planning to incorporate water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in new urban developments can consult this guide for ideas for creating attractive drainage solutions based on local rainwater infiltration, for both daily rainfall events and cloudbursts.

See the guide here (in Danish).

Rain-associated discharge 
“Rain-associated discharge” is a catalogue of initiatives or technologies that can reduce the impact of rain-associated discharge from sewage systems. The catalogue also offers help for choosing between various strategies and the related solutions. The catalogue was produced by DANVA in 2006, guidelines no. 71.   

Find the report here (in Danish). Select publication no. 71.

Using rainwater for toilet flushing and clothes washing
Danish legislative requirements regarding water recycling are extremely strict. In 2000 the use of roof run-off for flushing toilets and washing clothes was allowed in homes and similar-purpose buildings. The conditions required for establishing such systems are set out in the executive order on water quality and the supervision of water supply plants no. 292 of 26/03/2014.

The requirements for rainwater systems are set out in clause 4.

Systems must be constructed as prescribed in Pipe Centre specifications 003 - Domestic rainwater use for toilets and washing machines, September 2012. See the instructions here (in Danish).

Byg-Erfa, a knowledge centre for the construction industry, has produced factsheets on a wide range of relevant topics related to WSUD systems, for example:

Byg-erfa has produced some thematic descriptions categorising the relevant Byg-erfa factsheets by topic.

Forest & Landscape information sheets
Forest & Landscape at the University of Copenhagen has produced a large range of relevant information sheets for WSUD systems.

American guidelines
These guidelines offer good ideas for designing WSUD systems in existing urban areas, particularly as regards draining roads, car parks, etc. Read more here.    

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