Dimensioning WSUD systems

Dimensioning and installation
Pipe Centre specifications 016 - Specifications for rainwater management on own property is a new common set of guidelines for dimensioning and installing rainwater infiltration systems on own property. Read the specifications here (in Danish): Pipe Centre specifications 016. Specification for rainwater management on private property, May 2012

The specifications include two appendices describing how to conduct an infiltration test and how to plant rain gardens, respectively. Read the infiltration test here (in Danish): Pipe Centre specifications 016. Appendix 1, Simple infiltration test in private gardens Read about planting rain gardens here (in Danish): Pipe Centre specifications 016. Appendix 2, Planting rain gardens

The Water Pollution Committee has prepared a spreadsheet with attendant notes for dimensioning WSUD systems. The spreadsheet employs statistically estimated rainfall events as its calculation basis as opposed to actual rainfall events. The programme is based on the Water Pollution Committee’s spreadsheet prepared in accordance with document 28. The systems that can be dimensioned using spreadsheets are soakaways, rain gardens, ditches and permeable surfacing. Spreadsheets and guidelines have been prepared by Thomas Aabling, Søren Gabriel and Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen on the basis of a task description from the Water Pollution Committee.  
See the spreadsheet and guidelines here (in Danish):  SVK Water Pollution Committee WSUD DimensioningGuidelines 

A special spreadsheet featuring only the most basic information/options is available for sewer contractors. Here, the infiltration test can be entered directly with the time and rate of infiltration in cm, thus enabling calculations to be made. Read the sewer contractor spreadsheet here:  SVK Water Pollution Committee WSUD Dimensioning-ver. 1

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