WSUDS on Jævndøgnsvej, Århus

On Jævndøgnsvej in Århus there are a number of detached houses owned by a housing association. Some of these houses have decoupled the rainwater from the roof. The roofwater is infiltrated in lawns on their own property or on the neighboring property if there is shortage of space. Most of the infiltration plants are very simple, as the roofwater  is simply led over the grass to a hollow made in the lawn. Some of the tenants have worked on the plant to integrate it into the garden, others just use it as a lawn.

The pictures show the plants in 8 of the houses.

House 1
Jævndøgnsvej Hus 1_1  Jævndøgnsvej Hus 1_2

House 2
Jævndøgnsvej Hus 2_1  Jævndøgnsvej Hus 2_2

House 3
Jævndøgnsvej Hus 3_1  Jævndøgnsvej Hus 3_2

House 4
Jævndøgnsvej Hus 4_1  Jævndøgnsvej Hus 4_2

House 5
Jævndøgnsvej Hus 5_1  Jævndøgnsvej Hus 5_2

House 6
Jævndøgnsvej Hus 6_1  Jævndøgnsvej Hus 6_2

House 7
Jævndøgnsvej Hus 7_1  Jævndøgnsvej Hus 7_2

House 8
Jævndøgnsvej Hus 8_1  Jævndøgnsvej Hus 8_2

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