Infiltration and treatment of run-off from residential roads in Sorø

Sorø Municipality and Sorø Forsyning have started work on a trial project in a residential district just north of Stenlille.

Sorø Forsyning has been granted permission to infiltrate all the rainwater from 3 small residential roads. From the roadways, the water will pass first through wells with a combined sludge trap and treatment filter. After that, the water is fed to elongated soakaways sited beneath the roadways. The company Enregis Scandinavia has supplied both the wells and the soakaways. This system has been tested and applied in both Germany and the Netherlands.

Neither the municipality nor the utility company is anxious about groundwater contamination.  Nearby is a highway accommodating 15,000 vehicles a day. The road runoff infiltrates here without this being measurable in the groundwater. This is why they do not anticipate any particular contamination from the residential roads, with 50-100 vehicles per week.

Maintenance: In future, the filters will be taken up from the filter wells ever six months and inspected with regard to the volume of waste.

Depending on what happens with this system, the municipality/utility company will consider using this solution elsewhere in the municipality.

Find out more about the case here (in Danish).

Sorø, foto 1

Sorø, foto 2

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